Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Revisited

I really wanted to write this post before Thanksgiving, and when that didn't happen, right after. However, I have been sick. Not stuffy nose, a bit miserable sick, but full blown, I hardly got out of bed for two days, sick. But I better enough now to actually think in coherent sentences.

So anyway, every Thanksgiving all the children in the day care (except for the babies) gather in one room and we have a big Thanksgiving feast. I thought that it would be really fun for the preschoolers to make something to share with everyone who came to lunch that day, so we made cookies for dessert. Well we ended up eating them for snack that day, but it was fun anyway. Ideally I would have loved to make the dough with the children in the morning, but with my splitting time between the two rooms, I ended up making the dough myself to give it time to set in the fridge. But children did everything else.

They sprinkled the flour and rolled the dough.

Used the cookie cutters to cut out the cookies.

And helped pull the dough away so we (mostly my co-teacher and I) could place them on the cookie sheets.

And the next morning, they got to frost them. I wish I would have been there for that, but I should have planned better and done them before the day before we needed them.
This was so much fun, for the kids as well as the teachers, we will definitely be doing this again. I plan on giving the kids even more control next time.

The next fun thing we did was making turkeys from those giant marshmallows. That was truly a collaboration between my co-teacher and I. It was her idea to use the marshmallows and food coloring to make the turkey bodies, but she was having trouble thinking of what make the feathers out of. We wanted to make the whole project edible, so actual feathers were out. Then I came up with pretzels. Add some squeeze frosting and a jellybean for a nose, and you've got some of the cutest edible turkeys ever. At least I think so.

Even we teachers got our hands dirty and made our own.

So that was Thanksgiving with the preschoolers. Some of the best projects are edible.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thankful Post

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I am thankful for...
Mikey, my amazing husband
Finn our puppy
My family and friends
Hilarious game nights
My knee surgeon, physical therapist, and everyone else who had a hand in fixing my knee
My new acl
Everyone who reads this blog- you are a small group, but an awesome one

And to finish up, here is a picture of the turkeys we made yesterday. I forgot to mix up the frosting, that is why my turkey's face is green.