Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blog Swap!

I was very excited to learn about 20 Something Bloggers from my sister Kelly. I've been looking for a place to connect with other bloggers and it was just perfect. When I was accepted, the first event I learned about was the blog swap. So I decided join. I got paired up with Brianna and her blog The Art of Being Bri. You should definitely go and check her out. Here's what she has to say about her summer:

This summer has been like an amusement park where I am trapped on the roller coaster.  Some days flew by, never to be seen again. While other days passed slowly as if they would never end.

Though the low points made it seems as if I could never gain the momentum to climb back to the top, the highs made it worth in it so many ways.

As I look back at this summer, with just a week before I begin my junior year of college, I have to ask myself if I lived it out to the best of my ability.  And while there are times I would say no, I have to look behind the obvious and search for the truth.  And the truth is, I would not trade this summer for another.

For just four short months, I worked as a PCA, caring for children.  And when I see the progress they made in that small amount of time, when I see how they opened their hearts and how the family opened their life to me, I realize that it was better than I could have imagined. 

For me, summer was filled with work and with longing for a place I call home.  But now, having made it to that place I call home, I see that I made it through, and made it through well.  I am blessed beyond measure to be here now, but I was also blessed beyond measure by what was accomplished in that time.

Overall, this summer I learned that it's not about the destination of the journey; it's about the journey itself.  And I don't want to take another day for granted, seeking the end while missing the adventure.

I'm ready to live for the moment.

 Thanks Brianna!

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